Winners At The School Christmas Fair – November 2014

Today was the the day of the school Christmas fair at Millfield, Daizee-Mai was wanting to go since I collected her from Nursery at 11.45am so keeping her waiting till 4.30pm was hard work, once the others had got home they all got changed and ready for the Fair!! Off we went armed with our […]
Autumn Fun In The Park

It was a lovely Autumn day and after spending the morning out it was time for a few of us to head to the park for some fun time before the winter sets in!
Daizee-Mai Brings Home A Friend From Nursery!!

When I went to collect Daizee-Mai from Nursery she started to tell me that she had been collecting fallen coloured leaves from the trees in the playground but someone had taken them. So I said we could collect a few more before we went home so off she ran across the playground and collected some […]
My First Birthday Party – Penny Is 3

Well today was pretty exciting for me as it was my first time to go to a friends birthday party, it was Penny’s 3rd birthday which she had around her house and it was a cake decorating party! Jaycee came with me and so did Daddy, as soon as we arrived it was straight into […]
Love is in the air… Valentine’s 2014

It’s that time of year again Valentine’s day is here, it also happens to be my Dad’s birthday (Happy birthday Grandad Duncan!) So what with all the events this year we said we wouldn’t really do presents on Valentine’s day, instead we would just have a nice meal and exchange cards, it’s quite tough to […]
Family Meet Up For Sunday Lunch ~ Meet 1

Today we have a family get together in Royston , after mum passed away we all made a promise to get together more as a family and spend time together as life is so short! We all met at The Manor House in Royston which is a Wetherspoons pub which opened in October 2013. Mike and […]
Humphrey Comes To Stay

Today I got to take home Humphrey home 🙂 I was really pleased that I was allowed to take the little stars teddy beer home called Humphrey for being good, he was coming to stay for 2 whole nights so we had lots of fun together. We went home in the car and I sat […]
Teddy Not In Space Daddy!!

Well today Daddy upset me a little bit he showed me the car advert on TV where everything was floating in space and told me it was my Teddy!! I didn’t want Teddy to be up there and wanted him back…. I got a bit upset really as i really did believe that he had […]
The Duncan’s Do HaLlOwEeN 2013!!

Well as it was Halloween we all thought why not dress up! … so the Duncan’s decided to do Halloween! So we popped out to the shops and as it was Halloween everything was all reduced which made it even better so we managed to pick up some bits and pieces to make ourselves look […]
5 Stars On My Reward Chart

So today I was REALLY happy I managed to fill up my pre-school reward star chart! I had 5 stars to fill and got one for things I did well, like great tidying up and listening well and sitting quietly on the carpet which is hard for me to do as I am a wriggle […]