My First REAL Day Of Pre School! – Little Stars

Well today was the day I grew up!! Yes that is right I officially started Pre-school! For some reason I couldn’t sleep passed 4 am I think it was because I was to excited about going, I was up and down every 20 minutes getting into Mummy and Daddy’s bed then back in mine and so on, I just couldn’t settle!! So I had my breakfast and my milk and Mummy got […]
Quick Trip To The Doctors!!

Well today i was out playing in the garden like i do when it is nice weather, i love mooching about the garden i can always find something to do out there as its so big! I was playing out there with Kyler and Jaycee when I got something in my eye, i went over […]
Colchester Zoo Trip

Daddy took the day off to take us all to the Colchester zoo for the day and even better we were off to the penny machines in Clacton after that, I was really excited! More to come soon Related posts: Our Trip to Clacton on Sea Family Meet Up For Sunday Lunch ~ Meet 1 […]
Shopping With Daddy!

Today I went out with Daddy! Normally I go in the car and shopping with Mummy, I enjoy going out in the car and watching the world go by, it does make me sleepy though I must say! Must be all the movement and bumps. Daddy took me to Tesco to go and get some bits and pieces like fruit and vegetables […]
Yummy Birthday Cake!

Yummy! Well there was no way my big sister Jaydan was going to share her Birthday cake so I thought while she was on her laptop I would sneak a little bite of it, well she did leave it on the side and then totally ignore me playing on her laptop so a little bit won’t hurt!! […]
My Sister’s!

My Sisters!! Daizee-Mai Hi have two sisters this fist blog is about my baby sister Daizee-Mai she is one. Her birthday is 1st of December 2010 the time she was born was 9;13pm and she has lots of hair and she is blond she has big blue eyes she loves to play, she always watches […]
Welcome To 2012!

I came back from my nan’s at 6;00pm. Then i had dinner for pudding we had a yogut what had chocolate buttons in it then we played rabbids alive and kicking the fun game. The best bit was when we all had to dance then we had to hide from the rabbits when they look and […]
Christmas 2011!

This christmas we all want something really special i wanted a crystal growing kit and i got it My sister wanted hello kitty, my brother wanted gross magic and we all got what we really wanted i got two dvds that i really liked they were Horrid Henry the movie in 3D and Smurfs movie in […]
My 2nd Christmas – 2011.

Well it’s Christmas eve and I am not very well again I have this cold for about a week and looks like I will have it all over Christmas on top of that I have my second lot of top teeth coming through so that’s not helping me one bit either!! Mummy and daddy took […]