5 Stars On My Reward Chart

So today I was REALLY happy I managed to fill up my pre-school reward star chart! I had 5 stars to fill and got one for things I did well, like great tidying up and listening well and sitting quietly on the carpet which is hard for me to do as I am a wriggle […]

My First Ever Ballet Show – Broxbourne Civic Hall!!

How excited was I today! We have been building up to this moment for weeks at our Ballet lesson’s learning our dance for this moment, our dance is called “Wigan Garden” In Miss Christina’s Garden! I started ballet just over 6 months ago and have really enjoyed going and looking forward to this day for […]

Another Star Of The Week!

Star Of The Week

Well I had a surprise today in Assembly they were reading out the Star of the weeks and my name came up!! I was awarded this Star of the week for “Consistently being kind, helpful and working hard” Phew!! I was very pleased and proud and walked up to collect my badge and certificate and […]

Bessie Bear Visits Again!

I knew I would get Bessie bear again and was very pleased when the teacher called my name out to take her home on an adventure again! Bessie loves getting the school bus with me and gets excited while we are waiting for the bus to collect us, I leave her in her bag zipped […]

Faye’s 5th Birthday Party!

Well it’s that time of the year again … that’s right it was my best friend Faye’s birthday and it was time for a party!!

My First REAL Day Of Pre School! – Little Stars

Well today was the day I grew up!! Yes that is right I officially started Pre-school! For some reason I couldn’t sleep passed 4 am I think it was because I was to excited about going, I was up and down every 20 minutes getting into Mummy and Daddy’s bed then back in mine and so on, I just couldn’t settle!! So I had my breakfast and my milk and Mummy got […]

Rubys 5th Birthday Party!

Today I went to Ruby’s 5th birthday party,  it was at the community centre in Buntingford and there we’re lots of people from school there! She had a very funny man doing magic tricks and making us all animal shape balloons he made me a flower and a swan which I love,  my friend Bronwyn’s […]

Broken Finger

Today I broke my finger at 12:19pm I was playing Basketball And Fin threw the basket ball and it hit me right on the tip of my finger Ouch!!. I had to go to the office to get the ice pack but that did not do anything.So mum took me to the Dr’s first and […]

Bessie Bear Comes To Play!

So I’ve only gone and done it again, I’ve been a good girl at school and as a result I got to take home Bessie bear as a reward. So I’ve been learning to read properly since starting reception and I have been reading at home with mummy and daddy lots, so much so that […]

First Time On The School Bus

Waiting For the Bus

So today was an exciting day in my time as a growing girl, finally it was time for me to go to school on the school bus for the very first time!