Beautiful Banana Bread (BBB)

So the year of lockdown #2020 has had many downsides on life as a whole but it’s also had some pretty spectacular upsides too, one of the many upsides has been the time to cook and bake more things and this beautiful banana bread or BBB is no exception
Unlucky For Some But Not For Kyler

Some say that 13 is unlucky for some but not for Kyler, 2018 is the year that our beautiful baby boy Kyler is not longer a beautiful baby boy he became a beautiful teenage boy instead which we hope for him wasn’t so unlucky!! This year there was no school for Kyler on his birthday […]
SAADI Gymnastics Competition @ Redbourn Recreation Centre

Jaycee has been preparing to enter her first competition for some time now and today she represented Hertfordshire Gymnastics Club at the SAADI Gymnastics competition in the Redbourn Recreation Centre just outside St. Albans.
Ninja Jaycee Smashes Her 9th Kyu Grading

So tonight I took a VERY nervous Jaycee to take her first ever grading in karate, it was her 9th Kyu for her yellow belt after only five months of training!
Early Start As Kyler Hits Normandy

It’s been on the cards for about a year (probably) but it soon crept around and today is the day Kyler goes on his school trip to Normandy… Mangnifique as they say en Francais, c’est terrible says me.
RollerCity Roller Skate Party

A few weeks ago I was invited to my friend Natalie’s birthday party which was going to happen at RollerCity in Welwyn Garden City, I go to gymnastics with her in Ware but didn’t know many of the people that she had invited as they were mainly from her school which I don’t go to, so I was quietly nervous but I also REALLY wanted to go so I bugger Mum and Dad to let me go.
DJ Is Off!! …. She Has Taken Her First Steps!!

She has finally taken her first steps!!
DJ took a step in the day from her Jumperoo to her walker and i thought maybe she would start to take a few more steps and she did
School Trip To Lincolnsfields

I really enjoyed going to Lincolnsfields. I had an extraordinary adventure their and would love to go there again any day.
Duncan’s Hit The Durham Dales!

It’s almost a year since the Duncan’s went on holiday to Turkey so we were all excited to be going away again, we booked a week’s stay in a lovely private cottage in Durham Dales a beautiful part of the country.
Family Trip To Strensham

We planned to go to see Uncle Rod, Aunt Pauline and cousin Katie (More Duncan’s) over in Strensham, Worcestershire, before Christmas but what with one thing and another the diaries just wouldn’t add up together so we arranged to go after the Christmas buzz had passed us by, it also meant the kids got more Christmas presents after Christmas, always a winner!!