Kyler Hits The DOJO For The First Time
Having done karate at the Buntingford Karate Club for the best part of 4 years myself naturally the kids see me practicing at home and all want to do the same, so today was the first day Kyler got to hit the DOJO to start the Karate basic training course!
Kyler Got The Part In Charlotte’s Web: 15-19th April 2015
Well as you may know from my last post about Kyler’s recent audition for a part in the upcoming Chartlotte’s web play at the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage
Audition Time – Charlotte’s Web @ Gordon Craig Theatre
Today was audition day for Kyler who was put forward by Dance Jam Academy to audition for a part in the upcoming Charlotte’s Web musical at the Gordon Craig Theatre which will be performed at Easter.
Broken Index Toe – Karate Injury
So a trip to the hospital confirmed that I have indeed broken my index toe and quite severely, if you are going to do a job do it right, right?
Jaycee’s First Broken Bone!!
Who would think getting down from your bunkbed in your own bedroom would result in lots of pain and a broken arm!!
Kyler Goes To Work In The Big Smoke!
So it’s Christmas Eve and the office in the big smoke is closing early, so I thought it might be a good opportunity for Kyler to come along with me to see what Dad does all day and introduce him to the world of work!! So it was an early start, for Kyler when he’s […]
A Sunny October Day At The Stables
Today it was a lovely sunny October afternoon so after collecting Daizee-Mai from Nursery we decided to go and spend some time with the horses we share. So off we went Millie the little lovely is poorly she has laminitus so is on stable rest and feeling quite sorry for herself! So that just left […]
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo – Daizee-Mai’s Pre-Birthday Trip
With it being so perilously close to Daizee-Mai turning 4 we all decided to celebrate her last day of being 3 by heading over to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo to see all of the animals in this fantastic huge open zoo.
Winners At The School Christmas Fair – November 2014
Today was the the day of the school Christmas fair at Millfield, Daizee-Mai was wanting to go since I collected her from Nursery at 11.45am so keeping her waiting till 4.30pm was hard work, once the others had got home they all got changed and ready for the Fair!! Off we went armed with our […]
Autumn Fun In The Park
It was a lovely Autumn day and after spending the morning out it was time for a few of us to head to the park for some fun time before the winter sets in!