Showtime: Charlotte’s Web 2015

Showtime was finally here and we were all very excited to go and see Kyler perform in the Charlotte’s Web play at the Gordon Craig theater after two weeks of hard work from audition, rehearsal through to the actual show!
Kyler Hits The DOJO For The First Time

Having done karate at the Buntingford Karate Club for the best part of 4 years myself naturally the kids see me practicing at home and all want to do the same, so today was the first day Kyler got to hit the DOJO to start the Karate basic training course!
Jaycee’s First Broken Bone!!

Who would think getting down from your bunkbed in your own bedroom would result in lots of pain and a broken arm!!
My First Birthday Party – Penny Is 3

Well today was pretty exciting for me as it was my first time to go to a friends birthday party, it was Penny’s 3rd birthday which she had around her house and it was a cake decorating party! Jaycee came with me and so did Daddy, as soon as we arrived it was straight into […]
Can You Believe Tooth Number 2!

It wasn’t a really long wait for tooth number 2 really which I was quite pleased about but I did like to wobble my second wobbly tooth with my tounge!, Daddy told me to enjoy it while I can … he was right! Now I have a big gap and I look funny but I […]
My First Ever Visit From The Tooth Fairy!

Well today I had a big surprise!!! My tooth came out 🙂 I had been waiting for this to happen for ages but today was the day I kept wobbling it and complaining it was sore and mum kept saying “leave it alone it your making it sore wobbling it! So I left it alone […]
First Time On The School Bus

So today was an exciting day in my time as a growing girl, finally it was time for me to go to school on the school bus for the very first time!
First Golf Experience & Playing In The Park

A few weeks ago Mummy & Daddy bought me a practically brand new golf club set and bag from the car boot sale and Daddy promised to start taking me to golf at weekends.
My First Ever Ballet Lesson

Well I had waited for this day for a VERY long time I have been bugging Mummy and Daddy to let me go for ages but there was a waiting list as so many little girls like me want to be a ballerina! So today was my trial lesson and I was so excited I […]
My First Feed With Solid Foods

Well up until today I have been relying on Mummy for my food, but today I had a totally different experience with food, my Daddy fed me for a change and fed me some kind of gooey gloop…