Ninja Jaycee Smashes Her 9th Kyu Grading

So tonight I took a VERY nervous Jaycee to take her first ever grading in karate, it was her 9th Kyu for her yellow belt after only five months of training!
Early Start As Kyler Hits Normandy

It’s been on the cards for about a year (probably) but it soon crept around and today is the day Kyler goes on his school trip to Normandy… Mangnifique as they say en Francais, c’est terrible says me.
RollerCity Roller Skate Party

A few weeks ago I was invited to my friend Natalie’s birthday party which was going to happen at RollerCity in Welwyn Garden City, I go to gymnastics with her in Ware but didn’t know many of the people that she had invited as they were mainly from her school which I don’t go to, so I was quietly nervous but I also REALLY wanted to go so I bugger Mum and Dad to let me go.
School Trip To Lincolnsfields

I really enjoyed going to Lincolnsfields. I had an extraordinary adventure their and would love to go there again any day.
The Gauntlet Games Hertford

The Gauntlet Games is a hilarious obstacle course race, take on a series of obstacles, and challenges against real Gladiators!
Fluttering Around Butterfly World, St. Albans

So today while Kyler was busy doing his rehearsals the girls and myself decided to head over to Butterfly World in St. Albans, we had tickets to go last year but never got around to going!
Autumn Fun In The Park

It was a lovely Autumn day and after spending the morning out it was time for a few of us to head to the park for some fun time before the winter sets in!
Teddy Not In Space Daddy!!

Well today Daddy upset me a little bit he showed me the car advert on TV where everything was floating in space and told me it was my Teddy!! I didn’t want Teddy to be up there and wanted him back…. I got a bit upset really as i really did believe that he had […]
The Duncan’s Do HaLlOwEeN 2013!!

Well as it was Halloween we all thought why not dress up! … so the Duncan’s decided to do Halloween! So we popped out to the shops and as it was Halloween everything was all reduced which made it even better so we managed to pick up some bits and pieces to make ourselves look […]
Bessie Bear Comes To Play!

So I’ve only gone and done it again, I’ve been a good girl at school and as a result I got to take home Bessie bear as a reward. So I’ve been learning to read properly since starting reception and I have been reading at home with mummy and daddy lots, so much so that […]