First Golf Experience & Playing In The Park

A few weeks ago Mummy & Daddy bought me a practically brand new golf club set and bag from the car boot sale and Daddy promised to start taking me to golf at weekends.
Kyler Got Back – The Remix

Dad got a new version of one of my favourite songs that is in Yogi Bear the Movie, it’s “Baby Got Back”, watch me shake my thang!! Related posts: Our Trip to Clacton on Sea Christmas 2011! The Day I Was Born
My First Ever Ballet Lesson

Well I had waited for this day for a VERY long time I have been bugging Mummy and Daddy to let me go for ages but there was a waiting list as so many little girls like me want to be a ballerina! So today was my trial lesson and I was so excited I […]
Burberry Comes To Play …. Again!

I was so good at school and nice to everyone on Friday that Burberry the class teddy bear wanted to come to my house to play for the weekend which he always looks forward to as it’s so busy in our house, there’s always something going on! Daddy wasn’t happy Burberry had come to play […]
Faye Comes To Play!
Well today Faye came to play at my house, I was so excited I was waiting outside at 8.50am for Faye to come at 9am as her mummy was going off to work as it is Easter holidays she got to play the whole day :o) Faye was a little shy when she first came […]
Puzzles, Puzzles Everywhere!!

Well after mummy had a bit of a move about i could find the puzzles again in the front room so I thought I would do a puzzle or 5!! I am really good with puzzles and have been doing a 70 piece Disney Princess one easily since the age of 3, I hadn’t done […]
Patch Comes To Play….

Well today I had a extra visitor coming home with me from Nursery today he is small, fluffy and cheeky.. it’s Patch!!! Patch came home with me today because I did really well using two numbers to make 5! I quite enjoyed number work and was really happy patch was coming home to play. When we got home I took patch […]