In a Heartbeat – For The First Time!

Daddy tried with all his might to find that exciting little racing heartbeat of yours but failed miserably, no panic though, Mummy found you so Daddy just videoed it instead, here you go, this is you in Mummy’s tummy for the first time #exciting #real
Well That Was A Windy Valentines Night!

The weather had been bad all day really real windy and raining on and off it would have to be the day the kids have dance lessons! So we prepared for the wet and wore boots unlike the last time when it was raining we came back with soaked shoes!! … Anyway got dancing done […]
Love is in the air… Valentine’s 2014

It’s that time of year again Valentine’s day is here, it also happens to be my Dad’s birthday (Happy birthday Grandad Duncan!) So what with all the events this year we said we wouldn’t really do presents on Valentine’s day, instead we would just have a nice meal and exchange cards, it’s quite tough to […]